Bucholz, J.R., N.M. Sard, N.M. VanTassel, J.D. Lozier, T.M. Morris, A. Paquet, and D.T. Zanatta. 2022. RAD-tag and mitochondrial DNA sequencing reveal the genetic structure of a widespread and regionally imperiled freshwater mussel, Olivaria olivaria (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Ecology and Evolution. 12(1): e8560. Link
VanTassel, N.M., T.J. Morris, C. Wilson, and D.T. Zanatta. 2021. Genetic diversity maintained in comparison of wild and propagated populations of at-risk freshwater mussels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78(9): 1312-1320. Link
Janosik A.M., Whitaker J.M., VanTassel N.M., Rider SJ. 2021. Improved environmental DNA sampling scheme for Alamama sturgeon provides new insight into a species once presumed extinct. Journal of Applied Icthyology. 37(2): 178-185. Link
VanTassel, N.M., C. Beaver, D.A. Watkinson, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. 2020. Absence of genetic structure reflects post-glacial history and present-day host use in Mapleleaf (Quadrula quadrula) mussel from Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 98(8): 551-556. Link
VanTassel N.M., Janosik, J.M. 2018. A compendium of coastal dune lakes in Northwest Florida. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 23: 385-416. Link
Publications In Prep
VanTassel, N.M., B. Fisher, W. Haag, T.L. Hewitt, T.J. Morris, N.M. Sard, D.T. Zanatta. In Prep. RAD-seq generated SNPs resolve patterns of genetic diversity and structure of the freshwater mussel Ptychobranchus fasciolaris in glaciated and unglaciated regions of North America. Target Journal: Hydrobiologia.
VanTassel, N.M., C. Atkinson, B. Fisher, W. Haag, T.L. Hewitt, K. Inoue, N. Johnson, T. Lane, T.J. Morris, N.M. Sard, D.T. Zanatta. In Prep. RADseq derived SNPs reveal cryptic lineages in the freshwater mussel genus Ptychobranchus. Target Journal: Ecology and Evolution.
VanTassel, N.M., N.M. Sard, T.J. Morris, C.G. Wilson, D.T. Zanatta. In Prep. A comparative assessment of genetic diversity for captive-reared and wild Lampsilis fasciola (Bivalvia: Uniondale) using microsatellites and RADseq-generated SNPs. Target Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
VanTassel, N.M., D.T. Powell, D.W. Hall, and A.M. Janosik. In Prep. Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals baseline fish inventory in northwest Florida’s Coastal Dune Lakes. Target Journal: Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Presentations & Posters
Campana, M.G., M.X. Venkatraman, M.T.N. Tsuchiya, A.M. Kearns, N.A.S. Przelomska, N. McInerney, M.E. Orchibat, N.M. VanTassel, H.R.L. Lerner, T.E. Callicrate, M. Hagemann, L. Cassin-Sackett, H.F. James, R.C. Fleischer. "How do we construct a phylogeny when more than half the species are extinct? — A case study using the Hawaiian honeycreepers" International Society for Biomolecular Archaeology conference in Tartu, Estonia, September 13-16, 2023. Presented by M.G. Campana.
VanTassel N.M. "Genetic diversity assessment of captive-reared Wavy-rayed lampmussels" NZCBI Rock Creek Seminar, September 12, 2023.
Van Tassel N.M., T.J. Morris, N.M. Sard, and D.T. Zanatta. “Phylogenomics of unionid genus Ptychobranchus” Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, May 14-20, 2022.
Van Tassel N.M. and D.T. Zanatta. “Are all captive-reared juveniles created equal? A comparison of genetic diversity in twelve Lampsilis fasciola families” 82nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA, February 13-16, 2022.
Van Tassel N.M. and D.T. Zanatta. “Genetic diversity maintenance in captive-reared Lampsilis fasciola" Canadian Mollusc Research Meeting , Virtual via Teams, December 7-8, 2021.
Van Tassel N.M. and D.T. Zanatta. "Phylogenomics of the unionid mussel genus Ptychobranchus" Great Lakes Annual Meeting of Evolutionary Genomics, Virtual via Zoom & Slack, August 1-6, 2021.
VanTassel N.M., T.J. Morris, C.G. Wilson, N.M. Sard, and D.T. Zanatta. “Genetic diversity maintained in comparison of captive-propagated and wild populations of Lampsilis fasciola and Ptychobranchus fasciolaris (Bivalvia: Unionidae)” Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society 12th Biennial Symposium, Virtual via Zoom, April 12-14, 2021.
VanTassel N.M. and D.T. Zanatta. “Genetic diversity maintained in comparison of wild and propagated populations of imperilled freshwater” The American Malacological Society 86th Annual Meeting, Virtual via Zoom, July 13-14, 2020.
VanTassel, N.M. and D.T. Zanatta. “Development of empirically driven genetic guidelines for captive propagation of imperiled freshwater mussel” Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Mount Pleasant, MI, March 11-13, 2020
VanTassel N.M., C.E. Beaver, D.A. Watkinson, T.J. Morris, and D.T. Zanatta. “Absence of genetic structure reflects post-glacial history and present-day host use in Quadrula quadrula (Mapleleaf mussel) from Manitoba, Canada” Canadian Freshwater Mollusc Research Meeting, Burlington, Ontario, December 3-4, 2019
VanTassel, N.M. and D.T. Zanatta. “Development of empirically driven genetic guidelines for captive propagation of imperiled freshwater mussel” Canadian Freshwater Mollusc Research Meeting, Burlington, Ontario, December 3-4, 2019
VanTassel, N.M., Janosik, A.M. “eDNA Metabarcoding Reveals NWFLCDL Baseline Fish Communities” Student Scholars Symposium, University of West Florida, Pensacola Florida, April 19, 2018.
Bonfil, R., Janosik, A.M., Mendoza-Vargas, O.U., Ricaño-Soriano, M.,Valladolid-Salaza, I.,VanTassel, N.M. “High–tech genetic methods applied to saving sawfishes in Mexico.” 21st European Elasmobranch Association Meeting. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Oct 12-14, 2017. Presented by R. Bonfil.
VanTassel, N.M., Janosik, A.M. “Characterizing Fish Communities of NWFLCDL using eDNA and Metabarcoding.” Student Scholars Symposium, University of West Florida, Pensacola Florida, April 20, 2017.
Bonfil, R., Janosik, A.M., Mendoza-Varga, O.U., Ricano-Sorian, M., Valladolid-Salazar, I., VanTassel, N.M.“Needle in a haystack: preliminary results of using eDNA to find the last sawfishes in Mexico.” American Society of Ichthyologist and Herpetologists, Austin Texas, July 12-16, 2017. Presented by R. Bonfil.