Conservation, Genomics, and Evolution of Lampmussels and Kidneyshells

Gravid Wavy-rayed lampmussel (Lampsilis fasciola) at the Ministry of Natural Resources' White Lake Fish Culture Station in Ontario, CA.

Conservation Genetics of unionid mussels

Unionids are one of the most imperiled taxa on the planet, and propagation or captive-rearing is a tool used globally to rehabilitate struggling populations. I am interested in using emperical data to determine if genetic diversity of propagated mussels is lower than genetic diversity of wild popualtions. To answer this question, I am using a combination of microsattelite markers and single nucleotide polymorphisms to evaluate genetic diversity of propagated and wild Wavy-rayed Lampmussels (Lampsilis fasciola) and Kidneyshells (Ptychobranchus fasciolaris).

Population Genetics & Phylogeography of the genus Ptychobranchus

Roe (2013) resolved the first complete phylogeny for the genus Ptychobranchus. I am interested in using additional genetic markers to further resolve Roe's phylogeny and test the hypotheses he presented in his study. I am also interested in investigating the evolutionary history in relation to geographic patterns of the genus Ptychobranchus. I am also using this data to evaluate population genetics of several species in the genus Ptychobranchus.

Ouachita Kidneyshell
(Ptychobranchus occidentalis)Â